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fot. Dorota Oeknigk - Urbańska
Chicken Cottage
It's something more than a way to live your life. It’s a magical way of revitalizing old materials: boards, beams, used nails, screws, steel panels and everything that I come across and find attractive. I take over everything that bears the marks of time or has been thrown away, unwanted or even a little bit odd or different. Sooner or later it will become a piece of my work. I combine these elements with a traditional painting or sculpting technique. New pieces of art appear and tell us about my sensitivity, sometimes about a thought that crossed my mind and really wanted to be discovered and presented. That is why I frequently combine ceramics with wood and a letter. It enriches the work visually and it allows me to convey a motto hidden in a piece of clay.
Every day I make magic so that my work is powerful enough to steal someone’s heart.It happens that I take a paintbrush and something that I really wanted to convey spatially, I paint on a plain surface of canvas....
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